Saturday, September 17, 2011

Taking the Ferry to Liberty & Ellis Islands

The journey begins as it did for twelve million immigrants who entered here in the early 20th century for today's visitor..
The ferry swings away from the dock, leaving behind New York's distinctive skyline as the Statue of Liberty raises her gleaming torch across the harbor. Arriving passengers file out towards Ellis Island's impressive brick and limestone Main building.
Inside, the Baggage Room houses a collection of baskets, trunks and suitcases brought by immigrants. Upstairs, visitors guide themselves through the massive Registry Room, meticulously restored to its appearance in 1918 - 1924. Exhibits on three floors trace Ellis Island's history and the complex story of American immigration. A documentary film and audio tours were available.
This was a perfect ending to our four days in the city. The beautiful 80 degree day with sunshine made us appreciate park-like setting around us and prepare to bid good-bye to the hustle and bustle of east-coast island life.

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